Past Events
Revisit the content, topics and speakers from past events starting in 2020.
Past Tobacco Institutes
The past Spring Tobacco Institutes were great successes—sorry if you missed it. All sessions are available for you to access online with agendas, presentation slides and if applicable, recordings.The 2024 Spring Tobacco Control Institute was held on March 20, 2024.
- Keynote — Alex Hurst, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
- Panel Session
- Session 1: How to Be an Evaluation Smart Cookie
- Session 2: From Stigma to Strength: Transforming Tobacco Outreach in
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Areas - Session 3: Harm Reduction Approaches to Tobacco Cessation
- Synthesis and Closing — Tobacco Control Program
Additional Information from presenters:
Keynote Presentation
- www.bhthechange.org
- Association of Cumulative Socioeconomic and Health-Related Disadvantage with Disparities in Smoking Prevalence in the United States, 2008 to 2017
- Campaign Resources to Counter Tobacco Marketing to Individuals with Tobacco Use Disorders
- E-Cigarettes, Vapes, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (US Food and Drug Administration)
- National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS)
- The Toll of Tobacco in South Dakota
- E-cigarettes: Facts, stats and regulations
- Truth: Breath of Stress Air
- Tobacco smoking rates are decreasing in people with major depression and substance use disorder
- National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2020
- National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS): 2020
- Resources About Professionals About Vaping and E-Cigarettes: A Toolkit for Working with Youth
- Youth, Vaping and Stress: What Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Providers Need to Know
- Motivational Conversations for Youth and Young Adults: Peer-to-Peer Guidance for Talking about Substance Use, Including Tobacco and E-Cigarettes
Harm Reduction Breakout
- www.bhthechange.org
- The transtheoretical model of health behavior change
- Principles of Harm Reduction (National Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Harm Reduction Framework (SAMHSA)
- Harm reduction: what it is and is not
- Tobacco harm reduction: past history, current controversies and a proposed approach for the future
- Harm-Reduction Approaches to Smoking
- Modified Risk Tobacco Products
- Taking Mental Health and Substance Use Organizations Tobacco Free: Resource Guide
- Taking Your Facility Tobacco-Free: A Brief Overview
- COVID-19: A Window of Opportunity for Taking Your Organization Tobacco Free
- Trauma-informed Approaches in Tobacco Cessation Services: Implementation Brief
The 2023 Spring Tobacco Control Institute was held on March 29, 2023.
Meredith Berkman, Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes - STATE OF THE STATE
Bronson Frick, American Non-Smokers' Rights Foundation
Key Topics
- National Tobacco Control Updates and Trends
- Priority Populations
- Community Showcase
- Health Equity
- And More!
Key Topics
- Priority Populations
- Health Equity
- Advocacy & Policy Work
- Communications
- Successful Partnerships
Keynote Session: Justice in the Air: Reframing Tobacco Disparities as a Social Justice Issue
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Julie Sweetland, Frameworks Institute
In this keynote session, Dr. Sweetland reviews tobacco-related disparities and how to address them in new ways.
Key Topics
- Combatting the E-Cigarette Epidemic
- Engaging in Effective Youth Advocacy
- Previewing of 2020-2025 State Plan
- And More!
Keynote Session: Combatting the E-Cigarette Epidemic
Keynote Speaker: Gustavo Torrez, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
In this keynote session, Gustavo Torrez provides an overview of the e-cigarette epidemic and leads a discussion among local panelists who share their unique perspectives on what is happening in the state and how e-cigarette use can be addressed.
What Topics Are Covered?
- Tobacco Control Program Grantees
- Coalition Members
- Prevention Specialists
- School Administrators
- Counselors
- Educators
- Post-Secondary Representatives
- Healthcare Professionals
- Human Resource Specialists
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Interested Adults

For more information, contact Amy Schaefer, Central Tobacco Prevention Coordinator.