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Learning opportunities to enhance tobacco cessation education.


Commercial Tobacco & Cessation Trainings


CATCH My Breath

Catch My Breath is a youth e-cigarette and vape prevention program specific to grades 5-12. The evidence-based program was shown to substantially reduce students’ likelihood of vaping in the year following program implementation. It is free to U.S. schools. Can be implemented into the classroom at any time. CATCH My Breath also has mini-lessons surrounding substance misuse for K-8 students.

Training Dates

Wednesday, April 9th 2025 8:30-10:30am (CDT)/ 7:30am-9:30am (MT)
Register Here
Questions about in CATCH Training? Please email Ashley Heyne.

Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health

The American Lung Association’s INDEPTH® (Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health) program is an alternative to suspension or citation program that is offered as an option to students who face suspension for violation of school tobacco or e-cigarette use policies.

This program is administered by a trained adult facilitator in either a one-on-one or group format and can be offered in a school or community-based setting. The program consists of four sessions of approximately 50 minutes geared toward youth and focused on tobacco use, including e-cigarettes, nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and making the change to be free of all tobacco products.

Because the program is offered as an alternative to suspension or citation, attendance is mandatory in order to fulfill the obligation for the infraction. INDEPTH is not intended to be used as a prevention program (i.e., for students who are not current tobacco users).

If interested in INDEPTH Trainings,  email Ashley Heyne 

Youth Trainings

West Region:

No current training sessions scheduled. Please contact Kayla Bolstad at for more information.

Northeast Region:

No current training sessions scheduled. Please contact Ashley Heyne at for more information.

Southeast Region: 

No current training sessions scheduled. Please contact or for more information.

Learn More

Tobacco Cessation Webinar Series 


Tobacco Cessation Intervention for Behavioral Health Providers

Commercial tobacco use is still the number one cause of preventable death and individuals with behavioral health conditions and substance abuse disorders have significantly higher rates of tobacco use in comparison to the overall population. Tobacco Use Disorder is underdiagnosed and undertreated and continued tobacco use can interfere with treatment plans.

This webinar covers the disparity of tobacco use among those with a behavioral health condition, the treatment of Tobacco Use Disorder and cessation resources that are available for patients and clients, including the South Dakota QuitLine.

Training Dates

There are no current sessions scheduled. Please check back for future updates.

With questions about upcoming trainings, please email Hilary Larsen.


Youth Tobacco Cessation

Commercial tobacco use among youth remains a concern, especially with the increase of new nicotine-based products on the market. Youth are especially susceptible to nicotine dependence, and it can have damaging effects on their physical and mental wellbeing.

In this webinar we explore the landscape of tobacco use among youth – including current youth tobacco use trends in South Dakota, how tobacco companies’ market to youth, up-to-date research on youth tobacco cessation interventions, and resources available to youth to help them quit tobacco products. 

Training Dates

There are no current sessions scheduled. Please check back for future updates.

With questions about upcoming trainings, please email Hilary Larsen 

Tobacco Use and Cessation in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Commercial tobacco use rates in pregnant and postpartum women remain high in South Dakota, with about 1 in 10 women smoking in the last 3 months of pregnancy. Effectively addressing Tobacco Use Disorder among this population can result in positive health outcomes in both maternal health and the infant’s health. 

This webinar explores current tobacco use trends among this population, the latest research on the effects of tobacco use during pregnancy and postpartum, effective strategies for supporting those trying to quit, and treatment options and resources that are available. 

Training Dates

There are no current sessions scheduled. Please check back for future updates.

With questions about upcoming trainings, please email Hilary Larsen