Prescribing Medication
Bupropion SR 150 mg (Disp: 1 per day X 3 days; BID thereafter)
Nicotine Replacement (need Rx if under 18 or pregnant)
- Patches (21 mg, 14 mg, or 7 mg)
- Gum (4 mg or 2 mg)
- Lozenge (4 mg or 2 mg)
Varenicline (Brand Name: Chantix)
Varenicline is available for FREE* from our South Dakota QuitLine with a prescription from your provider. It is best suggested to patients who have tried quitting on their own and been unsuccessful. To be eligible, your patient needs to:
- Be a tobacco user who is ready to quit.
- Be a S.D. resident who is 17 or older.
- Enroll in our phone coaching program.
Varenicline doses include 0.5 mg to 1 mg tablets.
Order a Prescription
Though the medications are free, some groups and medications do need to be prescribed. Your patient needs a prescription if:
- Pregnant
- Postpartum
- Younger than 18
- They need varenicline
- They need bupropion
Prescriptions can be made one of two ways.
1. Forms
Forms available through the QuitLine at 1-866-737-84872. E-Script
Electronic Script (e-script) with “SD QuitLine/Vilas” pharmacyDual Therapy
As we all know, tobacco addiction is one of the most difficult of all addictions to overcome. Sometimes patients need to make multiple quit attempts before they finally achieve success.
With this in mind, we will be providing additional medical options to SD QuitLine clients who have used the QuitLine more than three times and are committed to quitting, but appear to need an additional assist. Our QuitLine coaches will identify these clients and introduce them to our dual therapy options.
Those who have used the South Dakota QuitLine more than three times, AND their healthcare provider recommends dual therapy for quit success.
Note: Varenicline should not be used for dual therapy with bupropion or NRT.
Option 1
NRT Patch + Bupropion
NRT Patch: Receive a total of 12 weeks (6 fills)
- 21 mg Patch
- 14 mg Patch
- 7 mg Patch
Bupropion S.R. 150 mg
Disp: 1 per day X 3 days; bid thereafter
Total of up to 12 weeks (1 month/fill)
Refill: NR, 1, 2
Option 2
NRT Patch + (Gum OR Lozenge)
NRT Patch: Receive a total of up to 12 weeks (6 fills)
- 21 mg Patch
- 14 mg Patch
- 7 mg Patch
NRT Gum OR Lozenge
Receive a total of 12 weeks (6 fills)
- 4 mg Gum OR 4 mg Lozenge
- 2 mg Gum OR 2 mg Lozenge
For more details on the process and steps involved in order to prescribe one of the two dual therapy options to your tobacco-using patients, please reference the QuitLine online training module at Train SD
Patients should be encouraged to enroll and participate in coaching to receive free cessation medication. The prescribing provider must fax a completed QuitLine prescription form to the Central Pharmacy. Prescription forms are available by calling the QuitLine at 1-866-SD-QUITS (1-866-737-8487).
Patients can also receive a free, two-week NRT starter kit with the option to upgrade for an additional two weeks by filling out an online form for a Kickstart Kit.
QuitLine participants may choose as many as 12 weeks of prescription bupropion (generic Zyban), prescription varenicline (generic Chantix) OR over-the-counter medication: nicotine replacement patch (7mg, 14mg, 21mg), nicotine replacement gum (2mg, 4mg) or nicotine lozenges (2mg, 4mg).