Data Briefs
South Dakota uses a variety of tools to gather key data on tobacco use. The findings help determine priority health issues, identify populations at risk and track progress for statewide goals.
South Dakota QuitLine is a FREE resource available to any state resident 13 or older. Choose from three ways to leave smoking, vaping or chewing in the past. Quit, stay quit and breathe easy.
The purpose of the Toolkit is to support tribes and tribal allies with a framework for public health
Children and young adults are especially vulnerable to loss of brain function as a result of vaping.
Even using e-cigarette devices without nicotine can cause damage. To protect your physical and mental health, it's time to quit.
Quitting is the difference between quality time with your family and missing out to catch your breath. Enjoy your years really living. Leave tobacco in the past, and live more good years.
Access tools for educators, coalitions and more. Explore our media library, order educational or advocacy supplies and more.
South Dakota uses a variety of tools to gather key data on tobacco use. The findings help determine priority health issues, identify populations at risk and track progress for statewide goals.