Reports & Surveys
South Dakota uses a variety of tools to gather key data on tobacco use. The findings help determine priority health issues, identify populations at risk and track progress for statewide goals.
Explore the full reports listed below on the South Dakota Department of Health website.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a yearly telephone survey administered by the SD Department of Health in conjunction with the CDC. The survey collects data on the general health and health risks of South Dakota adults.
National data is also available to compare with South Dakota’s statistics. This broader scope is helpful in identifying unique issues in the state and understanding how South Dakotans’ behaviors fit into a national narrative.
South Dakota Vital Statistics Report
The South Dakota Vital Statistics Report contains a state and county comparison of health statistics that help determine trends in health status, plan healthcare services and make decisions about public health programs. The report is especially helpful for details about cigarette use among the pregnant population.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), developed by the CDC, is a voluntary and anonymous survey administered by the SD Department of Health to 9th-12th grade students at randomly selected high schools across the state. The survey monitors priority health behaviors, including tobacco use, and helps develop effective and targeted prevention and early intervention programs for South Dakota youth.
A report is also available on the national level. Comparing South Dakota’s data to other states or the entire country clarifies how behavioral trends may or may not currently affect South Dakotans, identifies emerging trends that could impact South Dakota in the future and highlights unique issues in South Dakota that national organizations might not address.
South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey
The South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey Report (SD YTS) findings summarize current tobacco use patterns among all 6th-8th grade public, nonpublic and tribal school students in South Dakota. The report also provides prevention strategies and recommendations for promoting cessation among South Dakota youth.
Because South Dakota has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the United States, the South Dakota Department of Health uses a PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) survey to help guide the state’s services and programs for new mothers and their children.
Along with the SD PRAMS report and summary, infographics for breastfeeding, early prenatal care and smoking during pregnancy are also available for download.
South Dakota Quitline Data Briefs
SD Quitline staff and Department of Health partners routinely collect statewide data about tobacco use and Quitline service utilization. This information is housed on this site in three easily accessible collections of data briefs.
South Dakota Department of Social Services Medical Eligibility Data
South Dakota’s Department of Social Services provides statistics about South Dakotans eligible for Medicaid and medical assistance. Data is broken out by adults/children in each county. This is the best source for Medicaid population numbers in South Dakota. It’s a useful resource for anyone working with the state’s Low Socioeconomic Status priority population.
National Youth Tobacco Survey
The National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) administered by the CDC provides nationally representative data about middle and high school youth’s tobacco-related beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and exposure to pro- and anti-tobacco influences. South Dakota uses this data to compare trends and set goals.
County Health Rankings
The County Health Rankings database gathers county-level information from various surveys about health factors, behaviors and outcomes. It provides rate and ranking for specific behaviors, allowing counties to be benchmarked against one another. Data can be exported as tables or graphs. The site also has an action center with evidence-based strategies for making community change.
U.S. Census Data
The U.S. Census provides extensive population data sortable by areas like city, county or ZIP code. It’s the definitive collection of information about education level, race, income and employment in a specific place.
Kaiser Family Foundation
Statistics about mental health and substance use disorders are collected in a national survey. However, they can be difficult to interpret. The Kaiser Family Foundation collects and presents this information in an easy-to-use online format, sortable at the state level. If your work involves South Dakota’s Behavioral Health priority population, the site goes even further in its value with data about mental distress, suicide, substance use by type and substance-related deaths.
PLACES: Local Data for Better Health
Where people live has a real effect on their health and wellness. PLACES, a collaboration between the CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, compiles county-level data about various health factors, including prevention, behaviors and outcomes. The database is a valuable tool to compare counties across the state or nation.
Explore the full reports listed below on the Surgeon General’s website.
2016 Surgeon General’s Report: E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults
E-cigarettes are the most used tobacco product among youth in the United States.
The report discusses:
- Patterns of e-cigarette use among youth and young adults
- Known health risks of e-cigarette products
- Targeting tactics e-cigarette manufacturers use for youth and young adults
- Strategies for minimizing the harm these products cause youth
2014 Surgeon General’s Report: The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress
This report offers a scientific foundation for public health action directed at reducing tobacco use and preventing tobacco-related disease and premature death.