Don't Give Up on What You're Made For.

Prioritizing tobacco means giving up on big breaks, lost love, unforgettable moments with your kids… those smoke breaks add up. Quit missing out on the life you’re meant to live. Quit missing out on home runs, Christmas mornings, date nights and playing catch. We’ve got you — let’s get you quit… for good.

adult male using a nicotine patch

Commit to the Quit.

You’re not alone. Quitting smoking can be a team sport. And South Dakota Quitline can help. Whether you need phone coaching, educational tools for success or patches and medication designed to help you on your journey, Quitline is here to make the process as painless as possible.

Quit the Habit

Know your Options.

Quitting means seeing more of your life in real time, rather than wasting your biggest moments on tobacco. That’s why we’ve built tools to make it happen, no matter how long smoking has been a part of your life.

man having a cigarette

Thinking About Quitting?

Considered how much better your life could be without tobacco in your life? The first step is the inclination to quit. Find out about first steps.

man driving

Just the Facts.

You’d be surprised how much you don’t know about tobacco and how it ravages your body and decreases your quality of life.

man holding a framed photo of him and his son 2

Help Someone Quit.

Friend or loved one who’s addicted to a tobacco product? You can help them start their quit journey with SD Quitline.

Know Your Options.

Quitting can mean enormously improving your quality of life. That’s why we’ve built tools to help make it happen, no matter how long smoking has been a part of your life.


Phone Coaching

No-judgment support throughout your journey—connect with a trained Quit Coach to identify your triggers and build a strategy catered to you. Best of all? It’s free!


Texting Support

Get the support you need when you need it, how you need it. Receive as many as eight weeks of personalized texting with limited phone calls and as many as eight weeks of free gum, patches or lozenges and more.


Kickstart Kit

Take advantage of free medication to help you step-down on your own — including patches, lozenges or gum, and a Quit Guide to help you kick your nicotine habit.


Quit Guide

Want a beginner step toward quitting? Receive a free workbook to help you prep and get ready to quit on your own time, at your own speed.