Smoke Break Alternatives
Smoke breaks take time — and it’s adding up. Smoking or chewing tobacco takes away from defining moments. Quitting your habit means less moments wasted. When you quit, you have more time for what really matters.
Your long shifts can feel like they blend together. Grabbing a smoke or your tin may feel like a way to unwind from the stress. But what if skipping the habit could actually increase your energy, reduce your stress and make your day that much easier?
Did you know that quitting your tobacco habit can make your job easier? According to the American Cancer Society, in as few as two weeks, you'll be able to breathe more easily without hacking up a lung or feeling winded as quickly while doing heavy lifting or trekking around the jobsite.
You deserve those breaks throughout the day, even if it's just to step away from the chaos.
Let's face it, you're looking to enjoy living after you clock out, but smoke breaks at home, at the big game and family holidays can cause you to miss out on life's biggest moments with your family — graduations, opening presents on Christmas morning and their first home run. Kick your habit starting with your tobacco breaks at work, and quit wasting good moments.
Having a hard time avoiding smoke breaks? Instead of using, crush those cravings on your breaks with other activities. Remember that it's all about beating the urges to smoke, chew or vape!
Can't kick it cold turkey? Get FREE coaching with prescription medications or quit on your own with nicotine replacement therapy gum, lozenges or patches.
- 01 Tune into Your Favorites
- 02 Stretch Your Legs
- 03 Nail Down Your Reward Plans
- 04 Tame the Fire
- 05 Keep Up with Coworkers & Family
- 06 Play Your Favorite Games
Your cravings should only last a few minutes, so keep your brain busy during that time to beat them! Try listening to your favorite music or tuning into a podcast you've been meaning to catch up on.
Did you know that listening to music can promote your health and may even help you manage your symptoms because of how it affects your brain? That includes helping you combat your stress and so much more. Just listening for a few minutes can boost your mood, making you feel better and equipped to fight your cravings.
Listening to your favorite podcasts can also be a great way to pass the time, work your brain and keep your mind from wandering to your cravings. Whether you're interested in hot rod restoration, the stories behind World War II or this week's sports highlights, there's a podcast out there that talks about the things you're interested in. These types of captivating distractions can make all the difference.
Not only does moving your body distract you from your urges, but it also reduces your withdrawal symptoms and strengthens your heart and lungs.
Did you know that physical activity releases chemicals in your brain that can reduce stress and boost your mood?
Instead of just standing outside for a smoke, go for a walk around the block, do some stretching or take a lap around the warehouse or worksite.
Plan Ahead for Your Reward
Quitting is a huge deal that deserves rewarding. You work hard — you deserve it. So whether it's been a day, a week or a month since your quit date, start planning your rewards for each milestone. Spend your break coming up with ideas, such as:
- Making your favorite meal on the grill after day one.
- Heading to a car show after your first week.
- Planning a fishing trip with your friends or family after your first month.
- Finally purchasing that boat you've had your eye on after one year.
Think of all the extra cash you'll be saving! See how much money you'll have tucked away for bigger and better things than just your next pack or tin.
Kicking your cravings can feel impossible, but you're in luck. Did you know that cravings only last between three and five minutes? That means if you can keep yourself occupied for that time, the feeling will lighten up. You can manage your cravings. Remind yourself you need to hold off on acting on your craving for 10 or so minutes. By then or before, your craving should have subsided.
In the meantime, keep your mouth busy by protein loading with beef jerky and wash it down with your favorite drink — or just a glass of water will do. Maybe your distraction of choice is something sweet or a carb fix. If you're not looking for something to munch on, try chewing on a flavored toothpick until the craving passes. Find a healthy option that works for you and stick to it!
Whether you're looking for a distraction or for support, other people can be key to bettering your workplace wellness and quitting tobacco.
If you're looking to keep yourself busy, catch up with a coworker on your break. Talk about your kids, discuss the big game or share a wild story from your last hunting trip — the key is to pass the time positively.
With those you are willing to confide in, build yourself a support system. Whether that's your spouse, children, your best friend or a quit coach. Having a solid foundation to return to when quitting gets hard can keep you afloat. Be open about your quit journey, ask others not to use around you and make a point to call someone in your support system when you're feeling a craving.
Distractions, distractions, distractions. Avoid going to your usual smoke spot, which may be a trigger. Instead, focus on something else that entertains you or keeps you occupied.
Consider playing a mobile game, setting up cards to play with your coworkers or turning on the big game to keep up with the score. Stay busy until your cravings pass.

Quit & Stay Quit
Everybody quits differently. Your quit journey is your own, and only you know what works for you. Find the method that fits into your journey to put out that cigarette, shut off the vape pen or close the tin for the last time. Start your quit journey today, and get back to your life!
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Get help from a Quitline phone coach. Your coach will be there for you every step of the way.
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Kick the habit with the FREE Kickstart Kit, which ships to your door with cessation medication and the Quit Guide.
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Skip the coaching and medication for now. Start your journey with the FREE Quit Guide to quit when you are ready.
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