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Tobacco Cessation Newsletter - Summer 2023


Varenicline is available for FREE from our South Dakota QuitLine with a prescription. To be eligible, your patient needs to be

  • A tobacco user who is ready to quit
  • A S.D. resident who is 13 or older
  • They'll need to enroll in our phone coaching program.

Prescriptions can be made one of two ways: 

  1. Forms are available through the QuitLine at 1-866-737-8487
  2. E-Script with "SD QuitLine/Vilas" pharmacy

For more information on free cessation medication through the South Dakota QuitLine please visit the medication options section on the website, for questions you can email Kaitlyn Ashley.


New Website has Launched!

Check it out here:
This website will be a hub of information on various populations like youth and young adults (including vaping information), Native Americans, pregnant and postpartum women, and seniors. There is also information for health care providers and the general public about tobacco use and quitting tobacco.

The goal of this website is to tie everything back to cessation and guide people to resources like the South Dakota QuitLine. 

Media campaigns

The Last Smoke

The Last Smoke is focused on making smoking history - visit the Museum of Extinction and be a part of history by quitting smoking. 

Last Smoke Image on a wall



Honor Every Breath is focused on traditional tobacco education and promoting the cessation of commercial tobacco among our indigenous communities

Honor Every Breath Image

 LEARN MORE ABOUT Honor Every Breath

More Good Years

More Good Years is focused on not only the years that you get back by quitting but the good years you get back, quitting tobacco products can lower the risk of cancer and chronic disease.

Old Couple on a Hike Together


Vaping Sucks

Vaping Sucks is targeted toward our youth and the vaping epidemic that they are facing. This campaign provides vaping education on the unregulated chemicals found inside vape products and encourages prevention and cessation. 

vaping sucks image with colorful graphics



watch your mouth

Watch Your Mouth is coming soon! This is an oral health and tobacco campaign. Tobacco use significantly increases the risk of oral cancer, so this campaign is focused on promoting cessation among dental patients.

watch your mouth



Smoke free txt

The South Dakota Tobacco Control Program has partnered with SmokefreeTXT, a FREE cessation support program. This program is not affiliated with the South Dakota QuitLine, but is an additional resource that can be utilized by your patients and clients.

This program is exclusively text-based and is available for those 13 years of age and older (Spanish-speaking options available). The client will receive 6-8 weeks of daily text message support and can opt-out at any time. 

To enroll text SDQUITS to 47848


Medication Recommendations for Vaping Cessation

Historically, cessation medication recommendations have been for those that smoke cigarettes with a gap in treatment guidance for those that are exclusively e-cigarette users. Vaping Cessation Interventions in Former Smokers, a study published in April 2023, outlines vaping cessation recommendations for all FDA-approved cessation medications. 

recommendationsHuerne K, Eisenberg MJ, Vaping Cessation Interventions in Former Smokers:
A Review Canadian Journal of Cardiology (2023), doi:

Tobacco Cessation & South Dakota QuitLine trainings are available and can be done as a presentation on-site or virtual. These trainings can have tailored content for your staff and can include information on the impact of tobacco use, nicotine addiction, tobacco cessation intervention, our South Dakota Quitline services and how to make referrals, and our priority populations. 

To request a Tobacco Cessation & South Dakota QuitLine training for your staff or facility or for more information reach out to Kaitlyn Ashley or 605-496-9732

funding Opportunities

Congrats to the grantees for the 2023-2024 year. These coalitions and organizations work to lower tobacco use rates in their communities through prevention and cessation work. 
Tobacco Youth and Community Engagement Grant
  • Watertown Tobacco Free Coalition
  • Boys & Girls Club of Watertown
  • Mitchell Tobacco Prevention Coalition
  • SAFE Communities 
  • Lawrence County Coalition 
  • Micheal Glynn Memorial 
  • Milbank Tobacco Coalition
  • Boys & Girls Club of the Aberdeen Area
  • Spink County Coalition 
Disparities Grant
  • Boys & Girls Club of Brookings 
  • Boys & Girls Club of Moody County
  • Boys & Girls Club of Vermillion
  • Boys & Girls Club of Yankton - Traditional Site 
  • Delta Dental of South Dakota 
  • Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition 
  • Health Connect of South Dakota 
  • South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care 
  • Teddy Bear Den 
  • Wellfully

The application for the 2024-2025 grant year will be posted in early 2024. For more information on the Tobacco Control Program's Grants visit Request for Application on our website.



A New Tobacco Cessation Medication Could be on the Horizon

The first large-scale clinical trial for cytisinicline concluded that this medication is effective in smoking cessation and has minimal side effects. The smoking cessation medication works by binding to nicotine receptors in the brain which can reduce the urge to smoke and alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms, similar to varenicline. Based on this clinical trial a New Drug Application is expected to be submitted to the FDA for approval of cytisinicline for nicotine dependence, if approved, patients with tobacco use disorder would have another treatment option available to them. 

For more information: Cytisinicline Found to Aid in Smoking Cessation (

JUUL Settlement Map

Check out the JUUL settlement map created by the Public Health Law Center. This maps out settlement agreements between Juul Labs, Inc and Attorney Generals of the states and territories nationwide. This map will be updated as more information becomes available. 

Juul Litigation Settlement Guide & Interactive Map | Juul Litigation Settlement Guide & Interactive Map (


Order Free Signage & Materials

media example of what happens when you quit smoking

Tobacco Cessation Resources

The South Dakota QuitLine offers multiple FREE resources for those that want to quit using commercial tobacco products

This is quitting

 SD QuitLine

 Download QUIT GUIDE

This is Quitting

This is Quitting is a text-based cessation service designed to help those aged 13-24

Smoke Free TXT

SmokeFreeTXT is a text messaging cessation program for those 13+.  Text SDQUITS to 47848

 Tobacco Prevention Coordinators

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