Tobacco leaves a dark, damaging mark on those who use it. It’s time to put out your cigarette, shut off your vape and close the tin for the last time.
Not only does tobacco use kill thousands of South Dakotans every year, but it also does tremendous damage to the user’s health while they are still living. There are more than 7,000 chemicals and chemical compounds in cigarette smoke. Many of these are toxic, cause cancer and result in immediate damage to the human body.
Young adults (under age 30) who start smoking in their teens and early 20s can develop long-term, smoking-related health problems and increase their risk for:
- Heart disease & stroke
- Multiple types of cancer
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Lung and respiratory disease
- Diabetes
- Depression & anxiety
- Negative reproductive effects including erectile dysfunction (ED) & increased risk for cervical cancer
- Mental health disorders, including ADHD & other developmental disorders
The Surgeon General’s Reports continue to show that cigarette smoking is even more hazardous than previously thought.
For more information on the health effects of tobacco:
Develop a strong tobacco-free policy for your school.
Explore PoliciesBig tobacco targets vulnerable people, such as our South Dakota youth.
Read about targetingYou don't even have to be a smoker yourself to be at risk.
Explore DangersActivities can make a huge difference when implementing a tobacco-free policy.
Explore Activities