Curriculums for youth tobacco cessation.
- Project Sun
- Samantha Skunk
- Other Resources
Stop the Use of Nicotine
The South Dakota Tobacco Control Program offers an array of evidence-based curriculums. We have been made aware of a new curriculum called Project SUN (Stop the Use of Nicotine). This curriculum is Native American focused.
This curriculum teaches the difference between traditional tobacco and commercial tobacco.
To be eligible for the SUN program, a student must have used commercial tobacco in the last 30 days prior to the first session and must join the program on or before the fourth session of the curriculum.
This curriculum uses traditions and teaching from Native American traditions such as learning that tobacco used in a traditional way does not involve everyday use or inhaling.
The South Dakota Tobacco Control Program wants to bring this new curriculum to the schools of South Dakota.
If you have an interest in this curriculum for your students, email Tricia Yoshida.
Learn More About Project Sun
Samantha skunk Prevention Presentations
This program contains three different presentations that use characters in costume to advocate a positive message of health. Each presentation lasts approximately 30 minutes and allows for questions and interaction at the conclusion.
The target grade range is pre-K - 2 and many schools, youth advocacy groups and community coalitions use high school-age presenters.
If you are interested in the Samantha Skunk program contact your local tobacco control coordinator.
Learn More About Samantha Skunk
Life Skills Training
If interested in Lifeskills Training, email Hilary Larsen or Sierra Phelps.
Truth Initiative - Curriculum
Know The Truth Vaping Curriculum