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Tobacco Cessation Newsletter - Winter 2024

Written by SD Department of Health | Mar 4, 2024 5:12:51 PM



NEW Texting Program: 2QuitSD

The South Dakota QuitLine launched the 2QuitSD program in January of 2024. This program includes 8 weeks of cessation coaching support through text message and limited phone calls, and up to 8 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Clients can pick between the patch, lozenges, or gum. 

Clients can enroll by calling the QuitLine at 1-866-SD-QUITS or by enrolling online at

Deciding for Two - New Campaign

In the strategic planning process for the 2023 & 2024 tobacco cessation campaigns, it was identified that “Pregnant Women” are a critical target audience for anti-tobacco communication. With this in mind, Epicosity created a specialized campaign that targeted 18–35-year-old women.

A campaign was created to reach this audience and provide awareness and education around the dangers of not just smoking, but also vaping and the harmful effects of all tobacco products during pregnancy.

In addition to a creative concept, a campaign landing page was created to focus all the information for this audience. This landing page provided educational material, helpful resources, and ways to contact professionals.

PRAMS 2021 Report

The 2021 PRAMS Report has been published on the South Dakota Department of Health Website. The PRAMS survey asks new moms in South Dakota about various experiences including tobacco use. The data is used to focus public health efforts to reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health. 

Per this report - 

  • 9.8% of mothers smoked in the last three months of pregnancy. The Healthy People 2030 target is 4.3%
  • Among mothers who smoked prior to pregnancy and quit during pregnancy, the relapse rate (restarted smoking at the time of the survey) was 40.5%.

Tobacco Cessation Highlight: Oncology 

With one-third of all cancer cases in South Dakota attributed to tobacco use, a large number of patients on oncology units have Tobacco Use Disorder. Tobacco use can cause cancer almost anywhere in the body so while quitting tobacco products is important in cancer prevention, treating tobacco use is a critical component of cancer treatment as well. 

Continued tobacco use in patients with cancer can negatively impact their treatment and survival. Tobacco use can interfere with cancer treatments being successful and can increase the chances of complications from cancer treatments which can impact the ability to go into remission. Tobacco users are also more likely to have their cancer reoccur if they do go into remission and they're also more likely to develop a secondary cancer. 

If you work in the health care field and would like to get involved, please reach out to Kaitlyn Ashley,   or 605-496-9732 for more information.



Menthol Fact Sheet for South Dakota

The CDC has published Menthol Fact Sheets for each state which includes estimates of menthol cigarette use in each state and other menthol-related statistics. 

Check out South Dakota's Fact Sheet at Menthol Fact Sheets | Smoking & Tobacco Use | CDC


Data Briefs from the South Dakota QuitLine

The following are data briefs on the priority populations that are disproportionately affected by commercial tobacco use. 

Funding Opportunities

Tobacco Youth & Community Engagement

Application opens: January 19, 2024
Application deadline: March 15, 2024 

The Tobacco Youth & Community Engagement (TYCE) funding opportunity is designed to focus on engaging youth and young adults as well as their community in tobacco efforts including tobacco prevention (including e-cigarettes) and cessation. Requests for applications should focus their efforts on supporting and implementing evidence-based interventions and activities specifically for youth (under 18 years old), young adults (18-24 years old), or community-based efforts to learn about tobacco prevention and cessation.
For more information: Request for Application (
For questions, you can contact:

Tobacco Disparities Grant

Application opens: January 19, 2024
Application deadline: March 15, 2024 

The Tobacco Disparities Request for Application (RFA) is to support the local community and organization-based efforts, promote the implementation of the South Dakota Tobacco Control State Plan, and foster collaboration among organizations across the state to ultimately reduce the toll of tobacco use in South Dakota. The Tobacco Disparities Request for Application. Also to promote health equity by incorporating a long-term change aimed at reducing disparate tobacco use among the SD TCP priority population:

  • Native American Indians
  • Pregnant and postpartum women
  • People of low socioeconomic status (SES)
  • People with behavioral health conditions

For more information: Request for Application (
For questions, you can contact:

Cancer Programs Implementation Grant

Application opens: Currently Open
Application deadline: March 15, 2024 

The SD Department of Health’s Cancer Programs are pleased to announce the release of the Implementation Grant RFA. The programs are seeking applications that support the 2021-2025 SD Cancer Plan, focus on evidence-based intervention implementation, and promote equitable and accessible cancer prevention, early detection, and cancer survivorship efforts in South Dakota. The RFA aligns with the South Dakota Prevention Framework.

For more information: Grant Opportunities – Cancer SD
For questions you can contact: Shannon Park, 


 Tobacco Request for Application



Smoke-Free NATIVE 

SmokeFreeTXT has a new initiative through their program. This program is for American Indian and Alaska Native adults and teens in the United States who are ready to quit smoking commercial tobacco. This program is offered through a collaboration between the National Cancer Institute’s Initiative (SFGI) and the Indian Health Service (IHS).

SFGI and IHS worked with experts from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota and the American Indian Cancer Foundation to develop a program that is aligned with the culture and needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities and honors the significance of traditional tobacco. Enrollment can be done online at SmokefreeNATIVE | Smokefree or by texting NATIVE to 47848. 

Environmental Impact of Vaping

PAVE (Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes) have released a campaign called Vapes Are Trash focusing on the environmental impact of vaping. This campaign explores the hazardous waste that comes from the vaping industry and how it ends up in landfills. 

Check out the campaign at - Vapes Are Trash Campaign — Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes

CDC's Tips From Former Smokers Campaign

The CDC's Tips From Former Smokers Campaign has new stories featuring those who smoked menthol cigarettes specifically. 

Check these stories out on their website - Real Stories | Real Stories | Tips From Former Smokers | CDC



Our QuitLine business cards have a new look

Order Tobacco Cessation Resources on our online catalog.

Tobacco Cessation Resources

To make a direct referral to the South Dakota QuitLine for your patient, you can use the Fax Referral Form.  Did you know your EHR can be connected to the SD QuitLine for direct referrals?  Learn how to make the connection on our website.

 SD QuitLine   Download QUIT GUIDE 

The South Dakota QuitLine offers multiple FREE resources for those who want to quit using commercial tobacco products.

This is Quitting

This is Quitting is a text-based cessation service designed to help those aged 13-24

Smoke-Free TXT

SmokeFreeTXT is a text messaging cessation program for those 13+.  Text SDQUITS to 47848


 Tobacco Prevention Coordinators


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