The Last Smoke
Going the way of the dinosaurs. The dodo bird. The pet rock. It’s the last smoke. The very last cigarette that ever existed. Picture a beautiful future where smoking is in our rearview. (Because they’re dangerous, gross and, most importantly, make you look like a giant nincompoop.)
Tour the Museum
The Museum of Extinction plays home to mementos from bygone species, eras… and bad fashion choices. Explore our array of long-since-gone exhibits.
Boom Box
Cassette Era, 1962-1995
Sci. Name: Sayus Anythingicus
Partial gift of the Association for Breakdancing in memory of founder Sick Beatz, 1991.
Sabretooth Skull
Pleistocene, 2.50-0.8 Ma.
Subfamily: Machairodontinae
From the Feline Foundation, in honor of founder T.S. Jellicle, 1968..
Electric Typewriter
Paper Jam Era, 1900-1973
Sci. Name: Carriagite Returnicus
Partial gift of Steno Pools, Inc. in memory of CEO and president Tab Spacebar, 1983.
Compsognathus Fossil
Late Jurassic, 201.4-145.0 Ma.
Subfamily: Compsognathinae
From the Lost World Library, in honor of donar J. Goldblum, 1997.
Black-and-White Era, 1928-2004, A.D.
Sci. Name: Broadcastus Antennicus
Partial gift of Marshall G. Tube, in memory of mother Bunny Ayres, 2006.
Rotary Phone
Bell Era, 1891-1963
Genus: Operati
Partial gift of Party Line Productions, in memory of Mr. Watson, 1975.
Be a Part of History.
Quitting takes courage. Be a part of the movement to make smoking history. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone.

Phone Coaching
No-judgment support throughout your journey—connect with a trained Quit Coach to identify your triggers and build a strategy catered to you. Best of all? It’s free!

Texting Support
Get the support you need when you need it, how you need it. Receive as many as eight weeks of personalized texting with limited phone calls and as many as eight weeks of free gum, patches or lozenges and more.

Kickstart Kit
Take advantage of free medication to help you step-down on your own — including patches, lozenges or gum, and a Quit Guide to help you kick your nicotine habit.

Quit Guide
Want a beginner step toward quitting? Receive a free workbook to help you prep and get ready to quit on your own time, at your own speed.